Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Sometimes we all need a little bit of time to reset. To refocus. To reflect. It has been a little under a year since my last post and I've been missing it.

I started this blog to help me grieve the loss of my sister and also with the hope that it may encourage another.
I hope that has been the case.

Like so many of you, my story has been one of walking out in the midst of suffering to see others' hearts, to know deeper places of Christ's love for me, and witnessing miracles that I may not have even noticed if I hadn't felt the deep sting of death. It isn't a road I thought I could walk and yet... He has been there every step of the way.

In the midst of the brokenness of this world, it is easy to lose sight of the glory that we know in the presence of God. We sometimes don't see WHY things happen the way they do. Why some people are healed and others aren't. Why some are born with deformities and life-threatening illnesses. We may never know why God seems to answer some prayers quicker than others... but there is purpose. We get deeper in touch with our Father, He quiets our fears with his Voice. He is there. Right in the middle of everything. And He uses it ALL.

Has loss changed me? Yes. Yes, I think it has. But to stop there would be doing a disservice to My Teacher. Loss has opened my eyes to the profound depth of my sin and my desperate need for a Savior. It has taught me more about love than I ever could have imagined. It has put me on my knees more times than I can count. And it has taught me about community. It hasn't been just the Father walking with me on the road to recovery...

He has used YOU, dear friends, to teach me about what it means to love others sacrificially. Thank you for walking these roads with me. For praying for my family when we didn't think we could bear one more heartbreaking piece of news. We have witnessed the power of prayer and the Great Healer in action recently in our family and it has reminded me of the great Story we are a part of. Together.

I've experienced unimaginable restoration in my own heart. Thank you for being a part of it.